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Network „Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies“

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Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies open up new perspectives on society and culture. In these research areas, questions of diversity, difference, inequality and alterity are posed and answered in novel ways. Academic teaching and critical research profit alike from the inter- and trans-disciplinary orientation of these approaches, as well as from the various disciplinary and thematic possibilities of application and extension they offer. ​

Studies of Sex and Gender, in ongoing exchange with Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies, provoke new perspectives and possibilities in the transdisciplinary analysis of (academic) epistemologies and thinking processes. They focus upon linguistic, cultural, medial and artistic forms of expression, daily activities and life-worlds, social relations and practices as well as political, legal, economic and cultural institutions, knowledge systems and processes in the past, present and future. 

Questions of

  • 'Diversity'
  • 'Difference'
  • 'Inequality' and
  • 'Alterity'
  • and the complex interplays of categories of power (such as e.g. ‘gender’, ‘race’, ‘sexuality’, ‘class’, ‘religion’, ‘body’, ‘disability’ etc.) are taken into academic consideration in innovative ways.

Consequently, within these perspectives and areas, topics like power, justice, ethics, agency, participation, responsibility and freedom are thought and examined anew. The different approaches, problems, theories, methodologies, competences and research results from these fields as well as their inter- and trans-disciplinary synergies are important instruments for evidence-based conceptualizations of and transformations towards a less exclusive, less discriminatory and more just (world)society.

To strengthen these areas and perspectives of research at the University of Bayreuth, the “Network Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies” (GeQuInDi) was founded in June 2016. It aims at increasing the visibility, networking and cooperation of researchers in these fields across faculties and disciplines, and at fostering dialogue and exchange between academic and equality- and anti-discrimination work at university. 

If you are interested in our work, you are very welcome to join the network and our activities! To become a member or for further enquiries, feel free to contact the network via E-Mail to gequindi@uni-bayreuth.de. Additionally, there are meetings for members every third wednesday per month during the lecture period. The time and location will be announced on Instagram.

Webmaster: Miriam Bauch

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