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Network „Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies“

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About Us: The network “Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies“ (GeQuInDi)

GeQuInDi offers researchers, lecturers, students, activists and any interested member of the University of Bayreuth (UBt) the opportunity to exchange and cooperate across disciplines. Currently, the network consists of more than 40 members of different academic disciplines and aims to increase the institutional visibility of Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies at the UBT. 

Around the globe, Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies have become integral parts of innovative and excellent universities’ profiles in the international academic landscape and students show increasing interest in these topics. Over the past decade, the University of Bayreuth has taken important steps towards a stronger institutionalization of these areas as well. The formation of the “Network Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies” in June 2016 has consolidated these initiatives in a structural framework. 

GeQuInDi – a place of transdisciplinary exchange 

GeQuInDi understands itself as an open and dynamic space for a multidimensional argument involving many voices at the University of Bayreuth  (UBt). The network offers researchers, lecturers, students, activists and any interested member of UBt the opportunity to exchange and cooperate across disciplines and to strengthen one’s own research profile by means of trans- and inter-disciplinary cooperation. The network provides a platform for (joint) organisation of events, both of an academic character and geared towards policy in higher education (e.g. lectures and conferences) as well as for the discussion of current socio-political issues and developments. GeQuInDi is committed to recognising a plurality of methods and theories. Working on matters of educational policy forms an integral part of the network’s profile. 

Strengthening of networks, collaborations and institutional visibility 
The goal of our network is to intensify exchange, communication and cooperation in the field of Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity Studies. GeQuInDi advocates increased integration of these areas of research into teaching and aims at their heightened institutional visibility at the University of Bayreuth. Furthermore, the network is dedicated to furthering equality and diversity policy as well as anti-discrimination in higher education – in cooperation with the Stabsabteilung Chancengleichheit Universität Bayreuth , the Diversity Service Centre and the Büro des Beauftragten für behinderte und chronisch kranke Studierende (Becks).

Members and people interested come together at GeQuInDi network meetings (about 1-2 times per semester) as well as within the context of both academic and educational policy-related events. Currently (January 2021), over 50 academics from various faculties and levels, as well as actors involved in higher education policy work, actively participate in the network. GeQuInDi is represented by an elected committee of spokespersons. 

If you are interested in taking part in the network or want to be involved in other ways in present and future activities (for example as an associated organization or institution), please write and E-Mail to gequindi@uni-bayreuth.de or contact one of the spokespersons.

Webmaster: Miriam Bauch

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